
back into blue:
reflections on mental health
reflections on mental health

what a shame
When I was younger growing up in an all white community, I had a very tough time telling peers and adults about my racial background. I was quick to proudly declare my Italian roots and would then completely disregard the fact that I was also Mexican, Filipino, and then some. What causes any child to feel the need to lie about their racial identity? The answer is shame. For me, it was shame for my honey colored skin. Shame for my lack of light eyes. Shame for my round and dark features. Shame for my curly hair that would never straighten up. Shame for my bushy eyebrows and the few hairs in between. Shame for my identity and most importantly, shame for my body.
My body, my protective shell. I only have one.
I felt shame. I feel shame and yet, I am also so privileged to be as light skinned and white-passing as I am. The sad reality is that someone with darker skin has it WAY worse. This drawing is for all the folks that are struggling to love their racial identity in a society that makes it so difficult. Your struggle isn’t fair. It's been said many times, but it will never stop being the absolute truth,

ignore it
Anxiety, guilt, ignorance, instant dread, instant validation, wanting to know everything and also wanting to know nothing, hating it all the same.

nature’s compromise

click to swipe
Graphic novels are incredibly effective learning tools for both adults & children. The following books are all written by black authors.Descriptions of each title will follow. I highly recommend taking the time to educate yourself, friends, and family on our nations’ history. Institutional / Systemic Racism isn’t an issue that appeared over one isolated instance of police brutality. Educators, guardians, and layfolk like myself, please stop at nothing until privilege is taught and understood.
To my black friends, you are strong. You are loved. And your struggle isn’t fair. You deserve equality. Much love to you & yours ︎

lotería commission

halloween costume
pose music video


international festival
of arts & ideas
of arts & ideas

7th ecuadorian film
festival ny

international festival
of arts & ideas
of arts & ideas

don’t say “____” to
Indigenous peoples part 2.
Indigenous peoples part 2.

zodiac tea identity

worlds’ end book
cover concept
cover concept

twelfth night poster
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